Absorption into Crystal Being
Sunday August 25th
1:00-3:30 pm
$40 pre-register $50 @ door
Cosmic Flow Kundalini Yoga
San Diego, CA
Join us in co-creating a unique space during a rare cosmic alignment of planets Venus and Mars in the earthy sign of Virgo (assimilation), behind the Sun. We access the resolution of polarity going through the Sun (breath of fire). The workshop is about clearing outdated thought forms, and creating space to receive and reclarify the Crystal Being you are!
“In this workshop, you will practice a powerful meditation taught by Yogi Bhajan that will bring you into a state the yogis call Samadhi. Samadhi is absorption. Yogi Ma will guide this meditative experience in which in you will merge into your infinite Self. Experience high-frequency mental, emotional, and energetic clarity. Strengthen your ability to feel your own heart within each person you love.
This journey will be supported by The Golden Rhombus crystal bowls sound therapy that will usher you beyond your day-to-day left brain organizational thinking and relax you into a new frequency of being. This crystal frequency will bring a sense of lightness and clarity into your life. The crystal bowl sound immersion will be provided by Heather Mezey.
You will leave this workshop feeling uplifted and with a sense of honor to your purpose in each decision you make. All levels welcome, no experience necessary!”
Yogi Ma is a KRI certified Kundalini Yoga and Meditation Instructor who teaches with reverence for the Great Mystery.
Outwardly, she is a mother and a music maker. Inwardly, she is an expression of infinity in humble service to all beings.
She writes articles about yoga and meditation for 3HO Yogic Living, Spirit Voyage, and Sat Nam Fest. After returning from a yoga immersion in the Himalayan Mountains with Master Teacher Yogi Amandeep, this brings her to the completion of over 500 hours of yoga education and over twenty-two years of yoga practice.
Like her teacher Yogi Amandeep, Yogi Ma “bows to those who walk the path of Dharma and those who are attempting to walk the path of Dharma, and bows to all the rest—who in one lifetime or another—will walk the path of Dharma.” Sat Nam.
Please visit her website: https://yogima.org
Heather Mezey LMT, RYT 200 is a gifted sound alchemist who resounds The Golden Rhombus sacred crystal bowl formation. Her unique creation directs high-frequency energies to create space for listeners to enter into higher states of consciousness and being. Come experience absorption into subtle dimensions of crystal being. Relax into the pure light of divine flow. Realize bliss is your true nature.
Please visit her website: https://thegoldenrhombus.com/