Creating Space.


Heather Mezey is passionate about exploring the possibilities that arise when we let go. With her extensive knowledge and experience in sound and vibrational therapy—utilizing singing bowls, gongs, drums, voice, and tuning forks—she offers a transformative journey toward relaxation and self-discovery for all who seek a deeper connection with themselves. Fun facts about Heather: She is a certified Laughter Yoga Leader, enjoys horse hugs, resides in California, and cherishes the purity of being in the ocean.


Heather Mezey’s 22+yrs of Custom sessions tailored for each clients needs draw from: Swedish, Shiatsu, Reflexology, Deep Tissue, Trigger Point Therapy, Pre-Natal, and Heartworks Hawaiian Style LomiLomi, Hot Stone massage, and Spa scrubs and wraps.

Wellness background:

Self I-Dentity through H’oponopono for Health & Business, Ann Wigmore Institutes Living Foods Lifestyle Practitioner (Sprouting, Wheat Grass Therapy, High Enzyme Nutrition), Rain Drop Technique, Essential Oil Science & Application.


*Certified Gong Therapist, Certified Sound Therapist, Laughter Yoga Leader


*Kundalini Yoga Teacher & Esoteric practices RYT-200, Certified Breath-work Coach. 

The Arts:

*Sacred Geometry at The Academy of Art University and Globe Institute, Sculpture Artist & Alchemist.